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Corpus Christi
Fire Department

Fire Department SealFire Department

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30 each year, but don't wait until the last minute! Now is the time to get prepared before a storm threatens our area. Here are some resources and tips to consider as you make your plan.

Prepare your family

Develop a plan and make arrangements
for all family members and pets.

Create an Emergency Plan

Hurricane Reentry Request

What to do in a Hurricane

Hurricane Planning Flyer

Know where to go

Citizens should prepare a plan well
in advance of an evacuation.

Evacuation Routes and Maps

What to do in a Hurricane

Before and During the Storm

Prepare your home & boat

Learn how to protect your home from
strong winds and water damage.

Insure and Retrofit Your Home

National Flood Insurance Program

More Info on

More Info on

Reverse Alert

Receive emergency updates via text, mobile,
business phone, email, and more.

Reverse Alert Information

Reverse Alert Website

Reverse Alert Sign Up

Reverse Alert Login

Learn about hurricanes

Hurricanes are dangerous forces of
nature that must be taken seriously. 

Western Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones History

Hurricane Wind Scale

National Hurricane Center

FEMA for Kids and Educators

Hurricane Preparedness & Response

About Us

The Fire Department functions to protect life, property, and the assets of the City from any emergency situation through preparedness, prevention, public education, the development and enforcement of fire codes, emergency medical services, fire suppression, and hazardous material incident response.

Contact Information

2406 Leopard, Suite 300,
Corpus Christi, TX 78408

Phone: (361) 826-3900