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City Celebrates Gollihar Road Completion

Fully Reconstructed Road Now Open

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX—The City of Corpus Christi held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of work on Gollihar Road. The $10.6 million project, which was part of Bond 2018, included the complete reconstruction of Gollihar Road from Crosstown Expressway to Greenwood Drive.

Construction began in early 2023. The work included new concrete pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, ADA-compliant curb ramps, signage, pavement markings, street light improvements, and traffic and pedestrian signal improvements. In addition to surface improvements, the project included improvements in stormwater, water, wastewater, and gas infrastructure.

The original roadway was constructed in 1952 and reconstructed in 1970.

“Across this city, you will see projects like this – brand new concrete roads, asphalt roads and reconstructed roads in our neighborhoods,” City Manager Peter Zanoni said. “We’re delivering on our promise to improve the city’s infrastructure.”

The area, in District 3, has also seen recent improvements, including the renovation of Greenwood Senior Center and upgrades to Salinas Park. There is more to come, including the renovation of the Greenwood Sports Complex.

Media representatives can contact Beth Becerra, Public Information Officer, at 361-826-1693 or for more information.