City Council Approves Sale of Lots for Single-Family Development
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX—At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved four contracts with developers that will bring between 40 and 45 new single-family housing units to the neighborhood surrounding the former Lamar Elementary School site.
Three non-profit housing developers, Habitat for Humanity Corpus Christi, Thanksgiving Homes, Come Dream Come Build (CDCB), and a for-profit developer, DSW Homes, all submitted proposals in response to the City’s Request for Letter of Interest (RFI) in the fall of 2023 to develop vacant lots gifted to the City by the Ed Rachal Foundation. The investment in the neighborhood will serve the community’s diverse housing needs.
In addition to these single-family units, an affordable senior housing project is proposed for the former Lamar Elementary School site. A rezoning application for this multifamily development will be presented to the City Council in June. This project is also currently waiting for the Texas Department of Housing and Urban Development to release their decision on the allocation of Low-income Housing Tax Credits, which is anticipated to occur during their July board meeting.
“The City is thrilled to witness the reinvestment in this neighborhood and looks forward to this project setting a precedent for infill housing development and neighborhood revitalization across Corpus Christi,” Mayor Paulette Guajardo said.
For more information, media representatives can contact Senior Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or