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City Council Approves Second Reading of Updates to Drought Contingency Plan

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At yesterday's regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the Council approved updates to the City’s Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) in its second reading.

These updates reflect community feedback, Council recommendations, research into other cities' drought plans, and reviews of Corpus Christi's existing plan. The DCP is required by Texas law and must be reviewed every five years.

Updates to the DCP approved by City Council include:

Water Shortage Watch

·         A new voluntary stage begins when our reservoir levels (Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon) fall below 50%

·         Residents are asked to voluntarily limit lawn and landscape watering to once per week

Stage 1 Water Restrictions

·         No changes to current watering rules

Stage 2 Water Restrictions

·         Lawn watering with sprinkler systems limited to once every other week on designated days

·         Hand watering with a hose (with shutoff nozzle), five (5) gallon bucket, or drip irrigation system is still allowed any day (before 10:00 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m.)

·         Car washing at home is allowed only on designated watering days

·         Pool owners should prepare for Stage 3 requirements (covers for pools when not in use)

Stage 3 Water Restrictions

·         No lawn watering allowed

·         Drip irrigation for foundations and garden beds is allowed every other week on the designated watering day.

·         Hand watering of trees, vegetable gardens, shrubs and potted plants is allowed any day with a handheld hose, bucket, or small watering can (before 10:00 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m.)

·         Swimming pools can be maintained but must have covers when not in use

·         Home car washing is limited to bucket (five gallons) washing on designated days 

"Water Emergency" (Previously Stage 4)

·         Level 1: Triggered when the city is within 180 days of water supply not meeting demand

·         Level 2: Triggered when water supply emergency threatens minimum pressure standards

Changes to Optional Surcharges

·         For residential customers: Increased the threshold from 3,000 to 7,000 gallons per month before surcharges apply

·         Higher surcharges for large industrial users

·         Surcharges only implemented with Council approval

Water Conservation Targets

·         Water Shortage Watch:          5% reduction

·         Stage 1:                                  5% reduction

·         Stage 2:                                  10% reduction

·         Stage 3:                                  15% reduction

·         Water Emergency Level 1:     25% reduction

·         Water Emergency Level 2:     50% reduction

You can find your designated watering day at

To learn more about the Drought Contingency Plan updates, visit

For media inquiries, contact Ashley Marion, Strategic Business Manager, at (361) 826-3706 or

Every Drop Counts, Conserve Corpus Christi