City Council to Consider Advanced Funding Agreement for Safety Improvement Project
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At tomorrow's regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council will consider a resolution authorizing an Advanced Funding Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the design and construction of a traffic signal upgrade, interconnect signal systems, and flashing yellow arrow traffic signals at Airline Road and McArdle Road. The project is part of the Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP), a federal program - intended to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads.
If passed, bidding on the design and construction of this project would be scheduled for March 2024. The total estimated cost for the project is $416,904.79. The program will cover 90 percent of this phase's total costs of $329,540.19. The City will pay the remaining $87,364.40 for direct state costs.
Earlier phases of the program included mid-block crossing improvements within school or hospital zones at the following locations: South Port Avenue from Tarlton Avenue to Sarita Street, Texan Trail from South Staples Street to Swantner Drive (two midblock crosswalks within the project limits), Everhart Road from Holly Road to South Shea Parkway, Gollihar Road from Helen Street to Green Grove Drive, McArdle Road from Clare Drive to Nile Drive, South Staple Street from Dody Street to Driftwood Street, Gollihar Road from Mustang Trail to Pennington, Gollihar Road from Pennington to Meadowbrook, Alameda Street from Rossiter to Sinclair, Alameda Street from Sinclair to Ropes, and Yorktown from Dallas to Yorkshire Drive.
For more information, media representatives may contact Senior Public Information Officer Richard Vargas at 361-826-3420 or by email at