City Statement: Far Field Modeling
The City of Corpus Christi is aware of recent statements in the local media suggesting that City staff was not transparent regarding far-field modeling for the Inner Harbor Water Treatment Campus project. These statements are primarily the result of a misinterpretation about highly complex water issues, technical projects, and the consideration of multiple far field modeling studies.
Over the last year, the City Manager, City staff and water experts have carefully evaluated far field modeling studies. Water experts have determined and stated on the record that an additional model covering the entire bay is not necessary.
Between the City and the Port of Corpus Christi, multiple far field models and analyses have been completed for Corpus Christi Bay. In addition, all requirements from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency have been met. None of these agencies require far field modeling.
After a City Councilmember requested a new stand-alone far field model covering the complete Corpus Christi Bay system, the City’s Engineering consultants estimated that an entirely new stand-alone could cost between $700K and $1M and take eight to nine months to complete. City staff have used these cost ranges for the past several months. Since a far field model could cover anywhere from 401 feet from the discharge site to the Corpus Christi Bay system and into the Gulf, pricing and timelines are variable depending on the specific geographic limits and inputs of the model. As this study was deemed unnecessary by water experts, it remains not recommended by city staff.
Kiewit, the selected design-build firm for the project, had planned a far field model that would include the entire Inner Harbor Ship Channel. While not required, Kiewit built this additional far field modeling into their September 2024 proposal in order to strengthen design and ensure compliance. This information has been presented to the City Council in the past, and at the 3/25 meeting.
City staff worked tirelessly to prepare for Tuesday's presentation, keeping Councilmembers advised about the status of the presentation throughout the weekend and through Monday evening.
The City of Corpus Christi continues to commit to bringing new water to the region. Data shows that close to 70% of the State of Texas is currently experiencing drought. The City is grateful for the rain experienced this week, as Western reservoir recharge zones received six inches of rain.