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City Council to Consider Support for Planned Corpus Christi Bay Shoreline Breakwater Project

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At next week’s City Council meeting, the Corpus Christi City Council will consider a resolution that supports a lease between the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and Palacios Marine Agricultural Research, Inc. for the use of coastal submerged land near Doddridge Park for the Corpus Christi Bay Shoreline Breakwater Project.


While not a City project, the breakwater aims to protect the shoreline from erosion caused by wave action and create habitats for marine life such as oysters and fish in Corpus Christi Bay. In addition to enhancing Corpus Christi Bay as a natural attraction, the project will provide environmental benefits for city's residents and visitors.


The project will involve constructing a 2,500-foot-long submerged breakwater. The breakwater will be located approximately 300 feet offshore and parallel to the shoreline from the northern end of the Ed Rachal Foundation property at 3700 Ocean Drive to the southern end of Doddridge Park. The top of the breakwater will be approximately one foot below mean water level.


The breakwater will be constructed of fourteen separate 9-foot-wide by 100-foot-long sections of concrete rubble mounds arranged at 90-degree angles to each other and spaced 100 feet apart.

Construction plans have been reviewed and approved in consultation with all relevant State and Federal regulatory agencies. Construction is anticipated to last approximately one month and will not impact the use of Ocean Drive or Doddridge Park.


For more information, media representatives can contact Gabriela Morrow, Senior Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or email