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Solid Waste Services Invites Residents to Participate in New Recycling Cart Trial

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Solid Waste Services is inviting residents to participate in a new trial to address the issue of recycling carts being blown over during high winds. This initiative employs an innovative recycling cart design that features a pinch-release lid latch. The lid will stay closed when upright or on its side, but when turned over, as during the emptying process, the gravity lock release will activate.

To test the effectiveness of these carts, the City has purchased 200 latching lid carts, which will be equally distributed among the five council districts for a 90-day trial period. Residents can participate on a first-come, first-served basis for their respective districts and will need to take a survey at the trial's conclusion. Those who are satisfied with the cart may keep it, while those who are not can have the department swap it out with the regular carts at the end of the trial.

The purpose of this trial period is to determine the effectiveness of the new carts and to receive feedback from residents. Solid Waste Services hopes that the new carts will meet the needs of residents and provide a cleaner and more sustainable City.

To sign up for the trial, please fill out this form:

The enrollment process is open today and will continue while supplies last.

For media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer Brianna Sandoval at 361-826-1655 or by email at