About Us
The City Secretary is appointed by the City Council. Duties include:
- Provides staff support to the City Council
- Attends every meeting of the City Council and keeps accurate minutes of the proceedings of the City Council
- Prepares and distributes City Council agenda and support material
- Oversees records management program for the City
- Maintains, safeguards, and records all documents approved by the City Council
- Performs research on records for public, City staff, and Council as requested
- Administers oaths of office
- Validates and certifies petitions
- Coordinates the appointment process to the City's boards and commissions
- Coordinates ethics financial report filing and complaints
- Accepts lawsuits and claims filed against the City
- Coordinates and updates City's municipal code of ordinances
- Accepts petitions and appeals filed by citizens
- Serves as the elections administrator for all City elections
- Serves as liaison between the public and the Council
- Authorizes government access channel use
- Coordinates televising of City Council meetings
- Keeps the official seal of the City
- Coordinates all amendments to the City Charter
- Performs other duties as may be required by the City Council, City Charter, or State Law
Rebecca L. Huerta, City Secretary
Stephanie Box, Assistant City Secretary
Tina Belock, Deputy Registrar
Sarah Brunkenhoefer, Senior Management Assistant
Norma Duran, Administrative Support III
Mariah Resendez, Executive Assistant
Mary Ann Pena, Records Management Specialist
Denise Sudell, Constituent Relations Coordinator
Patricia Galvan, Constituent Relations Coordinator
About Us
The City Secretary is the local official who maintains the integrity of the election process, ensures transparency and access to city records, facilitates the legislative process, and is the recorder of local history. The City Secretary acts as the compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes, including the Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act, and serves as the filing authority for campaign finance reports and financial disclosure statements.
Contact Information
Address: 1201 Leopard Street,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9277,
Corpus Christi, TX 78469
Email: citysecretary@cctexas.com
Phone: (361) 826-3105
Fax: (361) 826-3113