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City Secretary

Elections - City Records - Transparency

Agendas and Minutes

Council Meeting Agendas, Minutes & Video

The City uses an agenda management program that integrates calendars, agendas, minutes, and video streams (of select meetings) that provides convenient access to meeting information for increased transparency and accountability.  The program is hosted on the agenda website and you can browse information not only for Council Meetings, but also for board, commission, committee, and corporation meetings.  Use the Body Name dropdown menu to select the meeting you wish to view and then click on the meeting date from the calendar to view meeting information.  Meeting dates can be viewed in a List or Calendar View.   

Video of past and live Council meetings may also be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel

Agenda Management Program Overview:

The Agenda Management Program has six main tabs:

  1. City Home - takes you back to the City’s webpage.

  2. Legislation – search for legislation considered during City Council meetings (may take a few minutes to complete a search).

  3. Calendar - a listing of past and upcoming City Council and Board and Commissions meeting dates, times, locations and other details.

  4. City Council - access to past and upcoming meetings, including agendas, minutes, and live video stream.

  5. Boards and Commissions - access to meeting agendas, minutes and live video stream.

  6. Archived Agenda, Minutes, Video  - access to past meetings, agendas, minutes and videos from October 2006 to December 2014. 




About Us

The City Secretary is the local official who maintains the integrity of the election process, ensures transparency and access to city records, facilitates the legislative process, and is the recorder of local history. The City Secretary acts as the compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes, including the Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act, and serves as the filing authority for campaign finance reports and financial disclosure statements.

Texas Municipal Clerk's Office: Award of ExcellenceTexas Municipal Clerk's Office
Award of Excellence

Contact Information

Address: 1201 Leopard Street,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9277,
Corpus Christi, TX 78469


Phone: (361) 826-3105

Fax(361) 826-3113