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City Secretary

Elections - City Records - Transparency

Public Comment Procedures

City Council Meeting Instructions

For City Council meetings, public comment/input may be provided in four different formats. Please review General Instructions for participation, as well as instructions for your communication medium of choice. There are four mediums of participation: In person, WebEx video, call-in, and in writing. 


How to make Public Comment in-person:

WebEx Video

How to make Public Comment via WebEx Video:

  • Persons may sign up in-person at the kiosk located in City Hall or by using the following link: Sign-up begins on Monday at 8:00 a.m. before the meeting and ends on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. 
  • A valid email address must be provided within the form to receive WebEx instructions for video conferencing.
  • To participate, users must log in between 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Participants MUST have a functional Internet connection, microphone, and speakers.
  • If using video, users MUST maintain decent attire and a decent environment while participating on the call. WebEx admins reserve the right to cancel calls with persons who do not respect decorum.
  • Follow the General Instructions found here. 

WebEx Phone

How to make Public Comment via WebEx Phone:

  • Persons may sign up in-person at the kiosk located in City Hall or by using the following link: begins on Monday at 8:00 a.m. before the meeting and ends on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. 
  • A valid email address must be provided to receive WebEx instructions for telephone conferencing.
  • To participate, users must call in between 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Follow the General Instructions found here.  

In Writing

How to make Public Comment in writing:

  • Persons may submit a written public comment electronically using this Public Comment / Input Form.
  • Written comments will be distributed to council members and attached to the meeting minutes when received prior to 11:30 a.m. on meeting days. Comments received after 11:30 a.m. will be distributed to Council members within 2 business days and will not be included in meeting minutes.  
  • Written comments will follow the Rules of Decorum found here.

General Instructions

  • Please state your name and city at the start of your comment.
  • Corpus Christi residents may speak for up to three (3) minutes.  Non-residents may speak for up to one (1) minute. 
  • Persons may speak only once regarding an agenda item, either during the Noon public comment period or when the Council is considering the item, but not both.
  • If speakers have a petition or any handouts pertaining to their subject matter, please present them to the City Secretary prior to speaking. The City Secretary will distribute them to the Council.
  • Any electronic media that a speaker would like to show during their speaking time may only be utilized IF sent to and approved by the City’s IT department at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Please contact the Communications Department at (361) 826-3211 to coordinate. 

Rules of Decorum

The rules of decorum are listed below and are part of Council Policies. To conduct the business of the City, and to properly discharge its duty, the City Council must hear in many instances a variety of differing viewpoints. To obtain all relevant information from differing viewpoints, rules of decorum are necessary. Thus, the City Council adopts the following rules to assist in the orderly deliberation of matters affecting the City and its citizens.

  1. The City Secretary shall see that the flag of the United States and the flag of the City of Corpus Christi are properly and prominently displayed at some convenient place in the City Council Chamber.
  2. Each day the City Council is in session, the City Secretary shall call the roll of the City Council and required City Charter officers and announce the results of such roll call. The City Secretary shall declare if a quorum is present and the necessary City Charter officers present, subject to confirmation of the City Council.
  3. The session shall begin with an invocation followed by the Pledge of the Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
  4. While the City Council is in session there shall be:
    1. No smoking of cigarettes, pipes, or cigars;
    2. No consumption of any kind by the audience;
    3. No propping of feet on tables or chairs;
    4. No loud noises, talking, shouting, etc.;
    5. No loud demonstrating for or against the Council or any speaker, issue, or presentation;
    6. No applause, booing, hissing, foot stomping, parading, singing, or other disruptive inappropriate behavior;
    7. No wearing of hats, caps, or headgear, that potentially impair the view of audience members.
  1. Demonstrations shall not be permitted while the City Council is in session, including marches, chanting, picketing, any other coercive, argumentative, and/or disruptive behavior of any kind.
  2. Banners, placards, signs, or posters that potentially impair the view of audience members are prohibited. This prohibition does not prohibit maps, photographs, drawings, plats, architectural, or artist renditions, or conceptualization, charts, graphs, slides, motion pictures, video displays, statistical displays, or other material for use in a presentation.
  3. In addressing the City Council, members of the audience shall rise, go to the podium, and remain standing while addressing the Council. They shall remain at the podium and speak into the microphone for the recording of the proceedings and begin by giving their full name and city. Citizens shall not approach the City Council table except with permission or request of the Mayor or the City Council.
  4. Citizens, Council Members, and City staff shall be prompt in all sessions of the City Council and in the dispatch of City business. Time limitations imposed by the Mayor or the Council on presentations shall be strictly enforced.
  5. City Council, City staff, and all fellow citizens shall be courteous, polite, concise, and respectful of one another, and shall respect the letter and spirit of these rules so that the City Council may fairly hear all sides of an issue and by due deliberation act in the best interest of all the citizens. Council Members and the Mayor shall be referred to by title and/or title with surname.
  6. All remarks shall be addressed to the Mayor and City Council and not to the Council Members as individuals.
  7. Citizens are authorized and encouraged to present their views to the Council on City-related matters. However, such should be done in a factual, precise presentation and questions of Council or staff are inappropriate. Loud, boisterous, profane, or obscene language or behavior is not allowed.
  8. Persons in the immediate vicinity of the City Council while in session shall refrain from any disturbing noise, demonstration, or other act disrupting to the City Council business.


City Boards, Committees, and Commissions

City boards, committees and commissions accept public comment in person at each meeting and in writing by using the Public Comment / Input Form. Written public comments should be submitted at least 30 minutes prior to a meeting and they will be provided to members of the City board, committee, or commission prior to voting on measures for that meeting and shall be placed into the record of each meeting. 

These written comments shall serve as the required public testimony pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.007 and shall constitute a public hearing for purposes of any public hearing requirement under law.



About Us

The City Secretary is the local official who maintains the integrity of the election process, ensures transparency and access to city records, facilitates the legislative process, and is the recorder of local history. The City Secretary acts as the compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes, including the Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act, and serves as the filing authority for campaign finance reports and financial disclosure statements.

Texas Municipal Clerk's Office: Award of ExcellenceTexas Municipal Clerk's Office
Award of Excellence

Contact Information

Address: 1201 Leopard Street,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9277,
Corpus Christi, TX 78469


Phone: (361) 826-3105

Fax(361) 826-3113