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City Secretary

Elections - City Records - Transparency

Sister City Summer Exchange Students

Apply now!

Deadline: February 25th, 2025

Download and complete all pages of the application. Submit the completed application and a current photo to, deliver to the City Secretary’s Office at City Hall or mail to Sister City Committee, c/o City Secretary’s Office, PO Box 9277, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9277.

The Student Exchange Program is an opportunity awarded to Corpus Christi high school sophomores and juniors who have outstanding academic and leadership performance; a good understanding of citizenship and what it means to be an ambassador for Corpus Christi; and a keen interest in learning about the world outside of the United States. These selected high school students will spend up to two weeks in one of our Sister Cities (Agen, France, or Yokosuka, Japan) over the summer with a host student and family. At the end of their stay, they will return with their host family’s student to spend up to two educational and fun-filled weeks in Corpus Christi.

The Sister City Committee is appointed by City Council. The City Secretary’s Office serves as liaison to the Sister City Committee.

Contact Information

Stephanie Box, Assistant City Secretary

Denise Sudell, Constituent Relations Coordinator

Phone: (361) 826-3105





About Us

The City Secretary is the local official who maintains the integrity of the election process, ensures transparency and access to city records, facilitates the legislative process, and is the recorder of local history. The City Secretary acts as the compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes, including the Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act, and serves as the filing authority for campaign finance reports and financial disclosure statements.

Texas Municipal Clerk's Office: Award of ExcellenceTexas Municipal Clerk's Office
Award of Excellence

Contact Information

Address: 1201 Leopard Street,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9277,
Corpus Christi, TX 78469


Phone: (361) 826-3105

Fax(361) 826-3113