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Winter Quarter Averaging

The City of Corpus Christi uses Winter Quarter Averaging (WQA) to calculate residential wastewater charges. Since wastewater isn't directly metered, we use your winter water usage to estimate your wastewater output.

Here's what you need to know:

    • WQA is based on water usage during winter months (lowest usage period)

    • Calculated over three consecutive billing cycles between December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025

    • New rates will appear on your bill starting June 2025

    • Charges remain fixed for one year

💡 Save Money Tip

Using less water during your winter averaging period can lower your wastewater charges for the entire year!

Find Your Billing Cycle

Look for your "Cycle" number under Service Information on your utility bill to determine your WQA period.

Use the table below to match your cycle number to the corresponding date range. This period will be used to calculate your WQA. Remember that using less water during your specific period will help lower your wastewater charges for the coming year.

For more information on your utility bill and WQA, please dial 311.

About Us

Corpus Christi Water (CCW) is committed to delivering water that is affordable, drought-proof, sustainable, and reliable. Corpus Christi Water also oversees wastewater management services and the Utility Billing Office. 

Mailing Address

2726 Holly Road
Corpus Christi, TX 78415