If the expenditure is under $50,000, then the departments handle those solicitations. In this case, you can contact the departments directly via the Incidental Purchasing Contact list. This list is provided on the Supplier Portal homepage.
Supplier Portal Information
The City of Corpus Christi uses a supplier portal to make it more efficient for vendors and bidders to do business with the City. By registering through the City of Corpus Christi’s Supplier Portal, you will have access to upcoming RFB/RFP/RFQ events. There is no cost for vendors to register, nor is there a fee assessed if you are awarded a bid.
There can only be one primary login for each company. The Supplier Portal allows you to add additional company contacts and proxies. So, before you begin your registration, please coordinate with your primary representative to confirm your company has or has not registered. The representative will be responsible for adding additional users, username(s), password(s), etc.
All new events are solicited by commodity codes. If you fail to select commodity codes you will not receive notifications. By logging into the Supplier Portal regularly to view all new solicitation events, i.e. RFB, RFP and RFQ you might be able to prevent missing a solicitation.
While the City endeavors to notify eligible bidders/proposers on its lists with regard to purchases via Requests for Bids/Proposals, the responsibility for keeping informed of City solicitations rests solely on members of the business community. Electronically generated notifications are sent as a courtesy only. Please use all the resources available to stay informed of solicitations that are available such as listing all applicable commodity codes that apply to your business when registering on our portal; utilize the City’s forecasted procurements posted on the website for items that are upcoming; look for open solicitations posted on the website; and monitor the Caller-Times bid/proposal notice section for open procurements (typically posted on Sundays). Also, feel free to contact the purchasing staff with any questions you have about upcoming procurements
Event Submittal
When submitting a bid/proposal response on an open Bid Event, make sure to follow all steps in the Supplier Response Guide. Make sure that the message, "Congratulations, your response has been submitted" displays and there is a "Submit Completed" indicator in the top right corner of the window.
To confirm the status of submittal, go to the My Responses page, this link is in the left menu of the Home page under Events. Make sure that your response says "Submitted" for the status.
Reference Documents
A Registration Guide is provided on the Supplier Portal homepage.
A Response Guide is provided on the Supplier Portal homepage.
A Forecasted Procurements list of upcoming solicitations is provided on the Supplier Portal homepage.
If the expenditure is under $50K, then the departments handle those solicitations. You can contact the departments directly via the Incidental Purchasing Contact list provided on the Supplier Portal homepage.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I contact the department directly?
Can multiple people login for the same company?
There can only be one primary login for each company. The Supplier Portal allows you to add more company contacts and proxies. Before you begin your registration, please coordinate with your primary representative. You'll need to learn if your company has already registered. Your representative can add more users, username(s), password(s), etc.
How do I get on the City of Corpus Christi Vendor List?
The City does not maintain its own “vendor list”, vendors interested in doing business with the City should register at the City’s Supplier Portal.
What is the difference between the City’s Supplier Portal and CivCast?
The Operations side of procurement utilizes the City’s Supplier Portal, where bids for goods and services are posted. The Capital Improvements side of procurement utilizes CivCast (https://www.civcastusa.com/), where bids for civil engineered projects are posted.
No, vendors can register for free to view, download and submit bids electronically.
APEX Accelerator, formerly called the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), helps businesses find, bid, and win procurement opportunities with Department of Defense (DoD) federal, state, and local entities. For more information please visit their website (https://www.delmar.edu/apexaccelerator/index.html) or email (APEXAccelerator@delmar.edu).
Will someone from the City help me prepare my bid submission?
The City does not assist vendors in the preparation of bid submissions, but APEX Accelerator will assist vendors with any preparation necessary for a bid submission.
What if my bid is delivered late or it does not arrive on time will it still be considered?
The City is required by law to reject all bids that do not meet the deadlines and return them to the sender.
Can anyone bid? If so, how do I start?
Yes, anyone can bid that meets the minimum vendor specifications. Simply download the bid specifications, which include the vendor forms, print them out, fill them out and return them in the method in which the solicitation requires.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to follow the instructions closely that are posted with the bid solicitation.
How do I determine if I have a conflict of interest?
Please visit the Texas Ethics Commission Frequently Asked Questions Webpage for more information (https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/resources/FAQs/FAQ_Form1295.php)
What is the threshold amount at which competitive bidding or proposals are required?
The City is required to follow the bidding or proposal procedures outlined in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252 when it plans to make an expenditure of more than $50,000 in city funds. All contracts over $50,000 are taken to the City Council for consideration.
Why are commodity codes important?
All new events are solicited by commodity codes. If you fail to select commodity codes you will not receive notifications. By logging into the Supplier Portal, you may be able to prevent missing a solicitation.
How do I know my event has been submitted?
When you submit a bid or proposal response on an open Bid Event, follow all steps in the Supplier Response Guide. Make sure that the message, "Congratulations, your response has been submitted" displays along with a "Submit Completed" message in the top right corner.
To confirm the status of submittal, go to the My Responses page. The link is in the left menu of the Home page under Events. Make sure that your response says "Submitted" for the status.
Will I be required to provide insurance coverage?
It depends on the value and the nature of the work. The requirements will be stated in all bid postings. Contractors performing work on City property or public rights-of-way for the City of Corpus Christi shall provide the City with a certificate of insurance or a copy of their insurance policy(s) evidencing the coverages and coverage provisions identified by the City. All insurance companies and coverage must be authorized by the Texas Department of Insurance to transact business in the State of Texas and must be acceptable to the City of Corpus Christi.
How do I know if I qualify for HUB Status?
The City does not administer this program, but APEX Accelerator can assist vendors in achieving HUB status. The Texas Comptroller’s Office manages the requirements to obtain HUB status and that information can be found at: (https://comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/vendor/hub/certification-process.php)
If I become a HUB will I automatically get City business?
No, all vendors are required to go through the procurement processes.
I want to provide the City a demo of my product. Who do I call?
The City receives many requests for product demonstrations. We ask that you register with the City’s Supplier
Portal for future opportunities related to the services you provide.
Where does the City post Bid Opportunities?
Legal Notices in the Corpus Christi Caller Times, City Supplier Portal, and CivCast.
Contact Us
For general questions, please contact the Purchasing Office at (361) 826-3160. Thank you for your interest in doing business with the City of Corpus Christi.
Finance & Procurement
Mission Statement
The Finance & Procurement Department strives to provide superior customer and financial services with integrity and pride for the enhancement of the organization and the community we serve. The department provides Accounting services including the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, Cash Management services, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Grants, and Procurement services.
Finance Division
1201 Leopard Street,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
(361) 826-3613
Procurement Division
1201 Leopard Street,
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
(361) 826-3160