The Fire Prevention Bureau inspects businesses on a regular basis. Upon passing inspection, the inspector will issue a permit to operate. Some of the items the Inspector will look for are working exit lights, emergency exit lights, proper exit doors, proper storage, fire extinguishers, proper use of extension cords, and ceiling tiles in place. If you have any questions or concerns, please call a Fire Prevention at (361) 826-3930.
Fire Codes
International Fire Code (IFC)
The Local Amendments, effective August 1, 2023, supersede the 2015 Local Amendments.
Arson Unit & Authority to Investigate
Section 104.11 of the 2021 International Fire Code, as adopted by the City of Corpus Christi, gives the fire code official the authority to investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of any fire, explosion or other hazardous condition. In the Corpus Christi Fire Department, this authority is delegated to the Fire Marshal and through him to the Arson Investigation Section. The Arson Investigation Section handles determining the cause of all major and/or criminal fires within the City of Corpus Christi. In instances where the fire was intentionally set, the Arson Investigation Section conducts a criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fire. Arson Investigators are licensed Texas Peace Officers and have the same authority and powers as a Police Officer in the City of Corpus Christi. They are responsible for arresting arson suspects and assembling all necessary information for prosecution by the Nueces County District Attorney’s Office. Arson Investigators also file other criminal charges that may be discovered during their investigations. Arson Investigators have filed wide-ranging charges such as kidnapping and robbery in conjunction with the investigation of arson cases. Arson Investigators work with the Corpus Christi Police Department and the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Common Fire Code Violations
The City of Corpus Christi has adopted the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC). Is your business compliant with the City's Fire Code?
- Fire extinguisher not maintained or missing. Extinguishers need to be certified once per year.
- Fire extinguishing systems not tested or maintained. Fire Extinguishing systems need to be tested semi-annually.
- Smoke alarms inoperable or with missing batteries.
- The use of extension cords. Extension cords should not be used in place of permanent wiring.
- Exit signs not working. Signs need a specific level of light to ensure legibility in both normal and emergency modes.
- Emergency lights not working. An egress (unobstructed walkway used to exit) should be illuminated by a self-contained power source such as a battery.
- Exit doors – The exit paths and doors should not be blocked.
- Electrical panel missing blanks or electrical panel blocked.
- Grills on balconies. Grills need to be located 10’ from combustible structures.
- Holes in ceilings and walls.
- Fire alarm system not tested or maintained. Alarms need to be tested once per year.
- Storage of flammable material – Gasoline is not allowed to be stored in any residential or mixed use occupancy unless in a specifically designed area.
- Maintenance areas are allowed to store no more than 10 gallons of gasoline in approved containers.
- Proper storage – No combustibles can be stored under stairways. Mechanical rooms and Electrical rooms also can not be used as storage room.
- Bedroom windows inoperable - Each sleeping are must have at least one operable window.
Check these items now and prevent a re-inspection later. If you have a question about compliance call (361) 826-3930 and ask to speak with a Fire Inspector.
Fire Code Inspections & Permits
Learn about the City of Corpus Christi's Fire Code Inspections and Permits process and the International Fire Code (IFC).
Certificate of Occupancy (COO)
A general inspection is conducted for compliance with the Life Safety Code and International Fire Code 2021. Inspectors will check plans and ensure construction is per plan.
All newly installed commercial Fire Alarms and additions are required to have an acceptance test witnessed by a CCFD Fire Inspector.
Standpipe Acceptance Flow Test
All standpipe systems shall be subjected to a flow test when installed.
A Fire Prevention Inspector will inspect above and underground flammable liquid tanks for fire code compliance.
Additional Resources
About Us
The Fire Department functions to protect life, property, and the assets of the City from any emergency situation through preparedness, prevention, public education, the development and enforcement of fire codes, emergency medical services, fire suppression, and hazardous material incident response.
Contact Information
2406 Leopard, Suite 300,
Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: (361) 826-3900