Fire Department Requests
Fire Truck Visits, Parades, or Presentations
The Corpus Christi Fire Department (CCFD) requests that you fill out the form below to schedule fire truck visits, parades, or public education presentations. Requests need to be submitted two weeks before the event.
Email completed forms to CCFD will contact you to confirm your event once your request is processed. While it is our intent to fulfill every request we cannot plan emergency calls. All assigned Fire Engines could be delayed or ask to reschedule due to responding to an incident.
Request Free Smoke Alarms
If you are a homeowner, you may qualify for free smoke alarms from the Corpus Christi Fire Department. Learn more about the criteria to qualify and why smoke alarms are so important, by visiting the page linked below.
Request a Fire Prevention Inspection
Please complete the form linked below to schedule inspections. All inspections require a minimum of 24-48 hour advance notice. Email the completed form to
Request a Fire Escape Plan & Home Inspection
Fire Escape Planning and Home Inspections are available to residents upon request to the Corpus Christi Fire Department. A firefighter may schedule to walk through your home to help identify obvious safety hazards and assist you in making an escape plan. Residents will also receive a Hazards in the Home checklist. For more information, please call:
Captain Mark Lewis
Phone: (361) 826-3922
About Us
The Fire Department functions to protect life, property, and the assets of the City from any emergency situation through preparedness, prevention, public education, the development and enforcement of fire codes, emergency medical services, fire suppression, and hazardous material incident response.
Contact Information
2406 Leopard, Suite 300,
Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: (361) 826-3900