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Corpus Christi Gas

Natural Gas Safety

More than 60 million households in the United States rely on natural gas to heat their water, cook their food, dry their clothing and heat their homes. Natural gas is a safe and reliable fuel if used correctly.

At the same time, it’s more important for you and everyone in your family to know all you can about natural gas safety, from how to operate your natural gas shut-off valve to how to detect a gas leak, to what to do and not do in an emergency.

Natural gas is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and has no taste in its natural state. It is 40 percent lighter than air. If it isn't contained, natural gas rises, seeking its way into the atmosphere where it dissipates.

As a safety precaution, a distinctive rotten egg or sulfur-like odor has been added to the natural gas the City provides so you can immediately smell the smallest of leaks. For your safety, it is important that everyone in your household know how to recognize the odor of natural gas.

Act Fast if You Suspect a Leak

What to do if you suspect a leak:

  • Immediately leave the area.  
  • Abandon any equipment being used and move upwind from the suspected leak.
  • From a safe location, call 911 and Corpus Christi Gas at (361) 885-6942.  
  • Warn others to stay away until emergency responders are on site.

What NOT to do if you suspect a leak:

  • Do not touch, breathe or make contact with the leaking liquids or gas.  Stay upwind if possible.
  • Do not light a match, start or shut off an engine, use a telephone, turn on any type of electrical switches such as a light, or garage door opener to avoid creating a spark.
  • Do not attempt to extinguish any fire that might start.
  • Do not drive into a leak or vapor cloud area. Automobile engines may ignite vapors. 
  • Do not attempt to operate valves.

Use Your Senses

Use your sense to detect a gas leak. 

Dead and/or discolored vegetation are signs of a possible leak around the pipeline. In some appliances, you can see the flame.  A blue flame is an indication of a properly working appliance.

You may notice a pungent or unusual odor, like rotten eggs. With some appliances, you can feel overheating or cold in the burner area, which would indicate that the appliance is not working properly.

Listen for any unusual noise, like a hissing or roaring sound. If the flame sounds unusually noisy, it may not be burning properly.

Natural Gas Safety Tips

It's important for you and everyone in your family to know all you can about natural gas safety. Do your part to make a safe fuel even safer.

  • Learn all you can about natural gas. The more you know...the more you will be safe.
  • Use your nose. If you ever detect even a small amount of the odor of natural gas in the air, don’t stay—get away. Then, from a safe distance, contact your natural gas provider. If you don’t know that number, dial emergency services, 9-1-1.
  • Look for the blue flame. If pilot lights and burners have a steady, blue flame, they are operating correctly. (Decorative gas fire logs are the only exception. Their flame is usually yellow.)
  • Have all gas appliances, furnaces, vents, flues, chimneys and gas lines in your home or business inspected every year or two by qualified industry professionals.
  • Keep the areas around all appliances and equipment clean and unblocked to allow for proper air flow.
  • Follow manufacturer instructions for the care and use of gas appliances and equipment.
  • Make sure there is at least one multipurpose fire extinguisher in your home or place of business.
  • Review these natural gas safety tips regularly with ALL family members and coworkers.

  • Let small children play with or near natural gas appliances or pipes, even the knobs on the oven or cooktop.
  • Use your stove or oven for anything other than cooking (for instance, to heat your home), under any circumstances.
  • Move or install a gas appliance or change the connector in any way without professional assistance.
  • Use a space heater until you are sure it has been vented properly. If using a vent-free heater, make sure the automatic cut-off switch is operational.
  • Install a gas appliance yourself, unless you are a qualified contractor. However, you should always seek professional assistance.
  • Store household chemicals or combustible materials near gas appliances.




About Us

Corpus Christi Gas (CCGAS) offers residential and commercial services. Emergency services are available 24-hours a day. 

Contact Information

Mailing Address: 4225 S. Port Avenue, Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Phone(361) 885-6942

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