Research and Resources
Databases and websites are listed below in alphabetical order.
The Corpus Christi Public Libraries are not responsible for the content on any website or resource listed below. Be cautious when following links.
Research and Resources
- A -
» Area Agency on Aging
The purpose of the Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend is to plan and coordinate comprehensive, community based programs which responds to those older persons in the Coastal Bend Region with the greatest social and economic needs, especially the frail, low income and minorities, enabling them to remain independent and healthy as long as possible
» Author Spotlight - Corpus Christi Public Libraries
Corpus Christi Public Libraries provides this reader advisory service free for everyone.
- B -
» Birds of the World
Birds of the World is a powerful resource that brings deep, scholarly content from four celebrated works of ornithology into a single platform where biologists and birders can find comprehensive life history information on birds. Every bird has a story. Discover them all with Birds of the World.
» Book Newsletter – Corpus Christi Public Libraries
Find booklists, author spotlights, new book alerts, and more.
» Bright by Text
Sign up for free parenting advice by text.
» Brightly
Online storytimes, book lists, and articles related to reading.
» Brightly Storytime
Online storytime. Full-length picture books are read out loud.
- C -
» Senior Resources
We’ve helped millions of seniors and families select the right senior care products and services for their loved ones while also saving time and money. We want caregivers to feel less alone and less stressed when navigating the world of difficult senior care decisions.
» Chilton Library (TexShare Database) represents the most authoritative automotive repair information available to car owners. There are thousands of year, make and model combinations covering the most popular vehicles of the past 30 years, plus additional coverage of specialty models.
» CloudLibrary
Browse eBooks and eAudiobooks. Available for free with your library card.
» CloudLibrary Newsstand
Over 7,500 titles in more than 60 languages. Accessible with your library card.
» Coastal Bend Council of Governments
The Council is a voluntary association of cities and counties in eleven-county region centered around the Corpus Christi metropolitan area. It is a governmental agency with legal responsibility for multi-jurisdictional planning in program areas such as emergency communication systems, criminal justice, solid waste management, environmental protection, homeland security planning, and Area Agency on Aging.
» Coastal Bend Food Bank
Find food pantries, nutrition classes, information on a diabetes self-management program, and more.
» Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation
Current services include wellness exercise classes, primary health care, mental health and substance misuse programs, infectious disease testing, education and linkage to treatment, and evidence-based substance misuse prevention curriculum for youth.
» Community Resource Guide
A list of local resources compiled by the Corpus Christi Police Department Homeless Resource Officer. For more information on additional services provided within the agency, please contact the agency directly.
- D -
» Data Axle (AKA Reference USA)
The premier source of business and consumer data for reference and research. Offers accurate data on 95 Million businesses and 287 million consumers.
» Digital Learn
A collection of self-directed tutorials for digital literacy support and training. Learn basic computer skills such as using a computer, navigating a web site, and searching.
- E -
» eBooks at EBSCOhost (TexShare Database)
Full text for thousands of recently published fiction and nonfiction books on a variety of topics, such as business, economics, history, law, literature, psychology, religion, the STEM subjects and more.
» ECI Project Ninos
The Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Program is for families with children, age 0-3, with disabilities and developmental delays.
» ERIC Database
A comprehensive, easy-to-use, searchable, Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information. It is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences within the U.S. Department of Education.
- F -
» FamilySearch
Search billions of ancestor profiles, photographs, and historical historical documents to build your family tree. The Local History Department in La Retama Central Library provides additional FamilySearch genealogical collections as a FamilySearch affiliate, in addition to the department’s own digital collections and archives. Find more local history and genealogical resources on the Local History page of our website.
» Fold3 Library Edition (TexShare Database)
Convenient access to US military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. This continually-growing collection contains millions of records from world-class archives, many of which are exclusively available on Fold3.
- G -
» Gale Academic OneFile (TexShare Database)
Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Best for academic research.
» Gale Books and Authors (TexShare Database)
Answer the age-old question, 'What do I read next?' Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics.
» Gale Business: Entrepreneurship (TexShare Database)
Learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business. Includes sample business plans, how to guides, articles, and more.
» Gale Business: Insights (TexShare Database)
Research global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, and comprehensive reports.
» Gale Databases (TexShare Database)
From student favorites like Gale In Context suite to our flagship InfoTrac databases, we offer dozens of powerful research platforms to put vetted sources right at your users fingertips.
» Gale eBooks (TexShare Database)
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.
» Gale General OneFile (TexShare Database)
Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research.
» Gale Health and Wellness (TexShare Database)
Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices.
» Gale In Context: Biography (TexShare Database)
Discover the world's most influential people by searching narrative biographies, news, magazine, and multimedia content.
» Gale In Context: College (TexShare Database)
An engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a wide array of subjects.
» Gale In Context: Elementary (TexShare Database)
Introduce elementary students to database searching with resources featuring age-appropriate, curriculum-related content.
» Gale In Context: Environmental Studies (TexShare Database)
Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
» Gale In Context: High School (TexShare Database)
Explore thousands of topics across subjects including literature, science, history, and social issues using different sources.
» Gale In Context: Middle School (TexShare Database)
Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more.
» Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints (TexShare Database)
OVIC is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of todays hottest social issues. Topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, and audio files.
» Gale In Context: Science (TexShare Database)
Science In Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of todays most significant science topics.
» Gale Interactive: Science (TexShare Database)
Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science.
» Gale Literature (TexShare Database)
Gale Literary Sources integrates full-text literary content with metadata and subject indexing and provides workflow tools to analyze information. You can research authors and their works, literary movements and genres. Search across your library's Literature databases to find full text of literary works, journal articles, literature criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews.
» Gale Literature Resource Center (TexShare Database)
Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.
» Gale Literature: LitFinder (TexShare Database)
Access literary works and authors throughout history, including full-text poems, plays, short stories, speeches, and more.
» Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series (TexShare Database)
Browse original scholarly essays on authors from around the world. Places authors and their works in personal and historical context.
» Gale Literature: Twayne's Author Series (TexShare Database)
Find in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers. Includes influences of literary movements.
» Gale OneFile: Agriculture (TexShare Database)
Access current and authoritative periodical content covering agriculture and its related fields.
» Gale OneFile: Business (TexShare Database)
Understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through leading business and trade publications. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media (TexShare Database)
Search millions of articles covering all aspects of communications, including advertising, public relations, and more.
» Gale OneFile: Computer Science (TexShare Database)
Access leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.
» Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women's Issues (TexShare Database)
Find timely and historically relevant content on issues that influence women’s lives across the globe.
» Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice (TexShare Database)
Comprehensive periodical content for researchers studying law, law enforcement, forensic science, terrorism, and more.
» Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts (TexShare Database)
Find a variety of information from major cooking and nutrition magazines as well as key reference titles.
» Gale Onefile: Diversity Studies (TexShare Database)
Access a range of periodical content to explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community.
» Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory (TexShare Database)
Discover content useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, and more.
» Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete (TexShare Database)
Gain insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy. Best for educators, administrators, and education students.
» Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship (TexShare Database)
Analyze business insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Updated daily. Best for business schools and entrepreneurs.
» Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and Policy (TexShare Database)
Investigate environmental issues with diverse perspectives from the scientific community, policymakers, and corporate interests.
» Gale OneFile: Fine Arts (TexShare Database)
Search millions of articles about drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Diverse resource for serious fine arts students.
» Gale OneFile: Gardening and Horticulture (TexShare Database)
Find millions of articles on the practical and scientific aspects of horticulture studies. For all horticultural enthusiasts.
» Gale OneFile: Gender Studies (TexShare Database)
Discover balanced coverage of topics related to gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
» Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine (TexShare Database)
Provides access to medical and professional periodicals, health and fitness magazines, and reference books and pamphlets. The database is designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers. The material contained in this database is intended for informational purposes only.
» Gale OneFile: High School Edition (TexShare Database)
Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference on a range of topics. Best for middle- and high-school students.
» Gale OneFile: Home Improvement (TexShare Database)
Search home improvement topics such as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and more.
» Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism (TexShare Database)
Discover well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.
» Gale OneFile: Information Science (TexShare Database)
Access articles covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: Informe Académico (TexShare Database)
Search across full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines from and about Latin America.
» Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability (TexShare Database)
Discover information about physical and intellectual asset protection, from individuals to multinational corporations.
» Gale OneFile: Leadership and Management (TexShare Database)
Search authoritative periodical content covering topics like organizational dynamics, adult learning, and more. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence (TexShare Database)
Search scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of past and present military affairs. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: News (TexShare Database)
Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields.
» Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health (TexShare Database)
Research full-text titles cited in CINAHL and other resources to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management.
» Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (TexShare Database)
Access academic journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine.
» Gale OneFile: Pop Culture Studies (TexShare Database)
Access scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture.
» Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines (TexShare Database)
Access the most searched magazines across Gale OneFile focusing on current events, sports, science, and health issues.
» Gale OneFile: Psychology (TexShare Database)
Find authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology.
» Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy (TexShare Database)
Research the impact of religion on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: Science (TexShare Database)
Access information on the latest developments across a range of scientific disciplines. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: U.S. History (TexShare Database)
Search balanced coverage of events in U.S. history. Best for novice historians and academic researchers. Updated daily.
» Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers (TexShare Database)
Research a vocation, find an appropriate institution of learning, and get assistance on job searches and maintaining a career.
» Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism (TexShare Database)
Gain valuable insight into conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale.