Parking Tickets
After you are issued a parking citation, you must either pay or contest the citation within 10 calendar days of the date the citation was written. After 10 calendar days, there will be an automatic finding of liable and you forfeit the right to a hearing on your citation.
ALL disabled parking and fire lane citations will remain criminal and under the jurisdiction of Municipal Court. For all criminal parking citations, disabled parking citations and fire lane citations, contact the Municipal Court or go to Municipal Court website to resolve your case and payment options.
Making Payments
The intent of the Corpus Christi Police Department, Parking Control and the Civil Court is to make your process as simple and as quick as possible. -To avoid a late fee, your citation must be paid before the 10th calendar day from the date the citation was written. If your payment has not been received by 60 days from the date the citation was written, you may incur collection fees. If you mail your payment, the post mark date will determine whether your payment is on time or late. See payment options and locations below, including a simple online payment.
Payment Options & Locations
There are now four ways to pay civil parking citations for your convenience:
Parking Citation Online Payment Center* - Pay by credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
Pay by credit cards, call the Corpus Christi Municipal Court at (866) 299-7084.
Appear at the Municipal Court (address below), Monday-Friday, between 8am and 4:30 pm, and on Thursdays, 8am-6pm. Please bring your citation. You may pay with credit card, check or money order. Checks and money orders must
include citation number and are dropped in the drop-box attached to the counter.
Mail a personal check or money order for the full amount to the Corpus Christi Municipal Court, 120 N. Chaparral, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Corpus Christi Municipal Court
120 N. Chaparral
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
* NOTE: For Payments, please wait at least 24 hours from date of issue for electronically issued citations and up to 72 hours for hand-written citations to be entered into the system.
Contesting a Parking Citation
To contest a parking citation, you must appear in person before a Hearing Officer, within the 10 calendar days from the date the citation was written, at the Corpus Christi Municipal Court (address above or by calling (361) 826-2500 to set a hearing date.
Partial or Late Payments
If you pay less than the total fine due, we will post the payment. However, you must pay the remainder of the fine by the 10 calendar days past the issue date to insure the lower fee. Partial payments will not cancel a boot or tow order that is in place.
Failure to Pay
Vehicles with outstanding parking citations are subject to booting (vehicle held in place by a restraining device) and/or towing at the vehicle owner's expense, an additional boot or tow fee, a 30% additional collection fee after 60 days late, vehicle registration holds on the vehicle and any additional collection fees warranted.
To get a boot or towed vehicle released, you must contact The Corpus Christi Municipal Court and pay all fees requested on that vehicle and any additional outstanding citations on any other vehicle registered to the same owner or post a bond for the full amount due and request a hearing.
Not Your Vehicle / Previously Sold Vehicle Prior to the Time of Violation
If you no longer owned the vehicle at the time of violation, please print and complete the Affidavit of Ownership Form and provide the necessary information for the Court to verify ownership. If you have a transfer of title as proof that the vehicle is no longer your vehicle, the transfer of title should include the name and address of the new owner and the date the vehicle was sold or transferred. You will continue to receive notices if additional tickets are received as long as the state shows the title in your name.
To provide documentation and explain why the parking citations in question do not belong to you, contact or appear at:
City Of Corpus Christi Municipal Court
Parking Control Operations Manager
120 N. Chaparral
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
To correct registration records through the State Department of Transportation, call or write this agency at the following address:
Texas Department of Transportation
40th Street and Jackson Ave.
Austin , TX. 78779-0001
Phone: (512) 465-7611
Meter Malfunctions or Failures
Should you need to report a meter malfunction or failure, please contact the Parking Control office at (361) 826-3002 and report the meter number and street location.
In the event you believe this malfunction resulted in a parking citation, please leave your citation number as well as the meter number. This will expedite the process of correcting any citation believed issued due to faulty equipment.
About Us
The mission of the Corpus Christi Police Department (CCPD) is to work as an equal partner with the community to reduce crime, the fear of crime and enhance public safety. CCPD strives to utilize community involvement that links new, innovative crime fighting methods and technology to develop a Community Policing Organization where officers and the public operate together.
Contact Information
321 John Sartain Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Non-Emergency Phone:
(361) 886-2600