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Rapid Pavement Program (RPP)

Aging infrastructure, including streets, is a nationwide problem. Street conditions have been a priority for elected officials and residents for over a decade, with no easy and no single solution. The Rapid Pavement Program (RPP), formerly known as the Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) is a five-year rolling program that focuses on the maintenance of Corpus Christi streets.

Street Preventative Maintenance Program (SPMP)

In-House Rehabilitation

Residential Street Reconstruction Program (RSRP)

Concrete Street Maintenance

The RPP is made up of four programs:

  1. Street Preventative Maintenance Program (SPMP) - Includes residential, local, collector, and arterial streets.
  2. In-House Rehabilitation - Consists of mainly residentials and residential collectors.
  3. Residential Street Reconstruction Program (RSRP) - Only residentials and residential collectors.
  4. Concrete Street Maintenance - Mainly Arterials & collectors.




About Us

The Mission of the Public Works Department is to manage, maintain, and develop the City's street and storm water systems. This is accomplished by maintaining street pavement; operating and maintaining traffic signals, signs and markings, planning and developing the street system; and providing storm water management services. 


Contact Information

2525 Hygeia Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78415

To Report a Problem:
» Call 311

Street Operations:
» (361) 826-1961

Storm Water:
» (361) 826-1610

Traffic Operations:
» (361) 826-3547