Request Traffic Control Devices and Street Lights
The Public Works Department is concerned about the safety of our citizens. Citizens can request the installation of certain traffic control devices such as stop signs, traffic signals, crosswalks, street lights or parking restrictions. Installation of traffic control devices is not automatic. Each request is unique and requires careful thought and consideration. It is important to understand data collection and engineering analysis is required for each request. The timeframe and timeline for the process varies based upon the request and availability of funding if warranted. location takes time.
Contact Traffic Engineering team at (361) 826-3547 or for more information.
Forms and Policies
About Us
The Mission of the Public Works Department is to manage, maintain, and develop the City's street and storm water systems. This is accomplished by maintaining street pavement; operating and maintaining traffic signals, signs and markings, planning and developing the street system; and providing storm water management services.
Contact Information
2525 Hygeia Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
To Report a Problem:
» Call 311
Street Operations:
» (361) 826-1961
Storm Water:
» (361) 826-1610
Traffic Operations:
» (361) 826-3547
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