Traffic Engineering
The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for the review of development and capital improvement projects, Traffic Impact Studies, management of the City’s Roadway Master Plan (Urban Transportation Plan) and future planning for multimodal improvements with our Residential Traffic Management Program, Vision Zero Implementation, and all Safety and Design Programs.
About Us
The Mission of the Public Works Department is to manage, maintain, and develop the City's street and storm water systems. This is accomplished by maintaining street pavement; operating and maintaining traffic signals, signs and markings, planning and developing the street system; and providing storm water management services.
Contact Information
2525 Hygeia Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
To Report a Problem:
» Call 311
Street Operations:
» (361) 826-1961
Storm Water:
» (361) 826-1610
Traffic Operations:
» (361) 826-3547
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