Sept. 18 - Sept. 22, 2024
Mar. 26 - Mar. 30, 2025
Heavy Brush and Bulky Items
City crews pick up heavy brush and bulky items several times a year on a published schedule. Only set out heavy brush and bulky items for collection during authorized periods. View the interactive map to find your area. Find area schedules below or on the CC Recycles app.
Collection Guidelines
- Set out your Heavy Brush items near the curb for collection ONLY during authorized set-out periods.
- Only grass & leaves (bagged/in container) and tree limbs will be collected during Heavy Brush collections.
- Bulky Items, such as furniture, mattresses, and appliances, will be collected with Heavy Brush items, at a $13.76 per item charge, except during authorized Bulky Items collection.
- Concrete, brick, rocks, stone, and dirt will NOT be collected with Heavy Brush or Bulky Item collection.
- Household hazardous materials, such as asbestos, oil, gas, antifreeze, solvents, brake fluid, transmission fluid, batteries, cleaning solvents, polishes, oven cleaner, pool chemicals, paint, paint thinner, paint stripper, spray paint, weed killer, pesticides, insecticides, sprays dusts or poisons, will NOT be collected with Heavy Brush or Bulky Item collection.
- Fees: Additional loads at time of scheduled Heavy Brush collection are $82.63+ tax per truckload. Fees will be applied to your utility bill.
- Resource Recovery Fees of up to $231.00 may be assessed for violations resulting in an emergency unscheduled collection of solid waste (i.e. brush/debris on street or safety/health issues) (Ord. #21-40).
- Heavy Brush or Bulky items shall generally be collected in the same location as garbage. It may not be set out in the side yard of a residence if the side yard adjoins an arterial or collector street. Heavy Brush should not be placed in the street, gutter, sidewalk, or in a drainage ditch. No pile of brush or bulky items may be greater than 6’ in height, 10’ long, and 6’ deep.
- Heavy Brush and Bulky items must be separated. Failure to comply could result in a resource recovery fee applied to your utility bill.
- Improper set out of Heavy Brush and Bulky items will result in a Notice of Violation. Non-compliance could result in resource recovery fees applied to your utility bill and/or citation.
- Removal of "illegally dumped material" and collection fees are the responsibility of the resident/owner.
- Non-compliance by customers could result in fines of up to $2,000 per-day per violation (Ord. #21-3).
NOTE: Yard Waste may be bagged and placed in garbage carts for collection. For more information, go to Collection Services Info and Quick Reference.
Collection Guidelines
- Set out your Bulky Items near the curb for collection ONLY during authorized set out periods.
- Do not mix other garbage, refuse, construction material, motor oil, or household hazardous waste for collection with Bulky Items.
- Separate piles into Brush, Bulky & Tires.
- No construction materials will be collected curbside. This list includes: lumber, fencing, chain-link fencing, wood pallets, rebar, t-posts, concrete, brick, rocks stone, dirt and sand, roofing materials.
- Concrete, brick, rocks, stone, and dirt will NOT be collected with Bulky Items.
- Household hazardous materials such as asbestos, gas tanks, oil, gas, antifreeze, solvents, brake fluid, transmission fluid, batteries, cleaning solvents, polishes, oven cleaner, pool chemicals, paint, paint thinner, paint stripper, spray paint, weed killer, pesticides, insecticides, sprays, dusts or poisons will NOT be collected with Bulky Item or Heavy Brush collection.
- Bulky Items shall generally be collected in the same location as regular garbage, but may not be placed in the gutter, street, sidewalk, or drainage ditch.
- Fees: Additional loads at time of Bulky Items or Heavy Brush Collection are $82.63 + tax per truck load. Fees will be applied to your utility bill.
- For non-scheduled Bulky Item collection, there will be an additional surcharge of $13.76 for each item set out on non-scheduled pick-up days.
- Tires: A fee of $5.78 per tire will be charged for any tire(s) set out for collection along with heavy brush. During the bulky item schedules, up to four tires will be picked up free of charge.
- Possible fines of up to $2,000 per-day per violation may be assessed for non-compliance by customers (i.e., brush/debris on the street or safety/health issues) Ord. #21-3.

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About Us
Solid Waste Services offers essential sanitation services to dispose of residential trash, household hazardous waste, brush, and bulky items. The department also offers recycling services, and free online tools to help answer customer questions.
Contact Information
Collection Center
J.C. Elliott Transfer Station
Hwy 286 (At Ayers)
Corpus Christi, TX 78415