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Solid Waste Services

Maintaining the Sparkling City by the Sea

Vessel Turn-In Program

Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) gives residents the chance to dispose of unwanted boats and vessels. Residents can also dispose of wave runners, jet skis, and boat trailers. The program is available Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Vessels 26-feet in length or less accepted. Larger boats may accepted but on a case-by-case basis. Boats need to be clear of all waste and debris. Remove all oil, gas, and batteries from vessels.

Drop-off vessels at the J.C. Elliott Transfer Station, located at Highway 286 and Ayers Street. Complete the Proof of Ownership or Release of Interest/Ownership waivers. Waivers are available on-site.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Vessel Turn-In Program is a free program coordinated by the City of Corpus Christi Solid Waste and Code Enforcement Departments, the Texas General Land Office, and Texas Parks and Wildlife. V-TIP offers the public a legal, safe, and free way to dispose of inoperable or unwanted boats. 

Illegally sunken and abandoned vessels harm the coastal environment, create navigational problems for seafaring boats, and cost time and money. The VTIP program provides an opportunity for boat owners to act responsibly and properly dispose of their vessels for free.

Boat owners are required to have proof of ownership. These documents include a copy of the current title, registration, U.S. Coast Guard documentation, Affidavit in Lieu of Title, or Affidavit of Loss & Release of Interest. For more information, please visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife website:

All vessels must have waste and debris removed before drop off.

The program will accept vessels up to 26 feet in length and includes wave runners, jet skis, paddle boats, sailboats, and boat trailers.

Helpful Links

From Texas Parks and Wildlife and the General Land Office, here are helpful links regarding your vessel and the VTIP program.

Titles and Registration (TPW Website)

Responsible Boating (TPW Website)

Boating Laws (TPW Website)

Report a Sunken or Lost Vessel (GLO Website)

About Us

Solid Waste Services offers essential sanitation services to dispose of residential trash, household hazardous waste, brush, and bulky items. The department also offers recycling services, and free online tools to help answer customer questions. 

Contact Information

Address: 2525 Hygeia Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Phone: 311

Fax: (361) 826-1971

» CC Recycles App (Apple)

» CC Recycles App (Android)

Collection Center

J.C. Elliott Transfer Station
Hwy 286 (At Ayers)
Corpus Christi, TX 78415