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Overhead Banner Permits

Banners for non-profit events or activities can be placed over the street at seven different locations in the city. The banners have to be permitted and there is a non-refundable application fee. Approved banners can be placed at up to two of the following locations:

    1. 2900 block of South Alameda (at Incarnate Word Academy)

    2. 4000 block of Ayers (south of Roosevelt Drive)

    3. 3300 block of McKinzie Road (at Up River Road /IH 37 South)

    4. 3900 block of Greenwood Drive (next to Boys & Girls Club)

    5. 4500 block of South Staples (at King High School)

    6. 1800 block of Waldron Road (across from Fire Station #13)

    7. 5200 block of Weber Road (at Carroll High School)

NOTE:  There are insurance requirements and an Indemnity Agreement is required with the application. See Attachment 1 below.

Application and Requirements

Contact Information

Right of Way Management team at (361) 826-3547. Banners for commercial purposes are handled by Development Services: (361) 826-3240.

Completed applications with a signed Indemnity Agreement and proof of the required insurance can be mailed to:  Right of Way Management team, Richard E. Martinez Public Works Facility, 2525 Hygeia, Corpus Christi, TX 78415.




About Us

The Mission of the Public Works Department is to manage, maintain, and develop the City's street and storm water systems. This is accomplished by maintaining street pavement; operating and maintaining traffic signals, signs and markings, planning and developing the street system; and providing storm water management services. 


Contact Information

2525 Hygeia Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78415

To Report a Problem:
» Call 311

Street Operations:
» (361) 826-1961

Storm Water:
» (361) 826-1610

Traffic Operations:
» (361) 826-3547