The National Weather Service forecasts that above-average temperatures and an abundance of moisture across South Texas will lead to dangerous heat index values.
City crews will conduct an Asset Improvement Project on Santa Fe Street between Jackson Place and Grant Place on Wednesday, July 3, beginning at 8:00 a.m.
At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council voted to move forward with Seawater Desalination Treatment Plant Project initiatives.
The Corpus Christi City Council approved a $5,000,000 Economic Incentive Agreement for the development of the Casa Blanca Village Apartments.
Después de la tormenta tropical Alberto, los equipos de la ciudad están trabajando para eliminar los escombros en Ocean Drive y abrir al tráfico la entrada norte de la Estación Aérea Naval de Corpus Christi el jueves por la mañana.
lowing tropical storm Alberto, City crews are working to remove debris on Ocean Drive and open Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi’s north gate to traffic by Thursday morning.
As part of the ongoing Bond 2018 Gollihar Road project, beginning Tuesday, June 25, the Vestal Street entrance south of Gollihar Road will be closed for approximately two weeks for concrete work.
The City of Corpus Christi invites the community to the West Guth Skate Park ribbon-cutting event.
Emergency utility repairs are underway on Staples Street involving the replacement of a wastewater manhole, temporary pumping, traffic control, and pavement restoration.
Se están realizando reparaciones de emergencia de servicios públicos sobre la calle Staples que incluyen el reemplazo de una alcantarilla de aguas residuales, bombeo temporal, control de tráfico y restauración del pavimento.