El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional pronostica que un frente frío ártico fuerte se moverá hacia el área de Corpus Christi el domingo, lo que resultará en temperaturas en o por debajo del punto de congelación a partir del domingo por la noche hasta el miércoles.
The National Weather Service forecasts a strong Arctic cold front will move into the Corpus Christi area Sunday, resulting in at-or-below-freezing temperatures beginning Sunday evening through Wednesday.
The National Weather Service forecasts a strong Arctic cold front will move into the Corpus Christi area Sunday, resulting in at-or-below-freezing temperatures beginning Sunday evening through Wednesday.
The Corpus Christi City Council has authorized City Manager Peter Zanoni to enter into legal agreements that would provide the city with additional water sources.
Muchas oficinas de la ciudad de Corpus Christi estarán cerradas el lunes 20 de enero de 2025, en conmemoración del dia en honor a Martin Luther King, Jr.
Many City of Corpus Christi offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. national holiday.
Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA) is proud to announce its continued commitment to honoring the service and sacrifices of our nation’s veterans by waiving parking fees for up to 30 days for a wide range of eligible veterans, including disabled veterans and recipients of numerous distinguished service medals.
The City of Corpus Christi’s Office of Economic Development is conducting a survey to explore ways to enhance North Padre Island's future through exciting new business incentives and development programs. The survey is now open and will conclude on Tuesday, February 4.
At today’s regularly scheduled meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved funding to improve the Corpus Christi Police Department's (CCPD) services and equipment.
At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council awarded a $5,880,000 contract to Victory Building Team of Corpus Christi to construct the Southside Police Substation.