The City’s next Litter Critter community cleanup event takes place on Saturday, January 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Briscoe King Pavilion parking lot, located at 15820 Park Road 22.
The City has issued a change to the Phase 1A traffic control plan for the Everhart Road Project due to recent evaluations of traffic conditions.
Street closures along major City streets impacting motorists and pedestrians are listed below. These closures may be due to construction, special event activity, or maintenance.
The City of Corpus Christi will host a Completion Ceremony for the South Staples Street Project. The $13.4 million project began in February 2021 and focused on the area between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road.
The Corpus Christi Office of Emergency Management received information from the Goliad County Emergency Management Office concerning the source of the odor throughout the region on Thursday, January 4.
The City of Corpus Christ’s Office of Emergency Management is working with regional agencies to investigate an odor reported in the Corpus Christi area.
The interactive Bayfront Park Fountain, located at 1309 North Shoreline Boulevard, will be temporarily closed for routine mechanical maintenance from Thursday, January 4, to Friday, January 5, weather permitting.
Los Servicios de Cuidado de Animales de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi (CCACS) recuerdan a los residentes que tomen las medidas adecuadas con respecto a sus mascotas y el clima frío.
The City of Corpus Christi Animal Care Services (CCACS) reminds residents to take appropriate action regarding their pets and cold weather.
On Wednesday, January 3, the ongoing Everhart Road Project will extend into Phase 1A, which goes from South Alameda Street to South Staples Street.