Bike safety is crucial for young kids as it helps prevent accidents and injuries, ensuring they can enjoy their rides safely.
The National Weather Service forecasts that above-average temperatures and an abundance of moisture across South Texas will lead to dangerous heat index values this week.
The City’s next Litter Critter community cleanup event will take place on Saturday, June 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the W.B. Ray High School parking lot, located at 1002 Texan Trail.
On Wednesday, May 29, the U.S. Coast Guard Command Center in Corpus Christi was alerted to a dry natural gas line leak in Corpus Christi Bay.
On Wednesday, May 29, the U.S. Coast Guard Command Center in Corpus Christi was alerted to a dry natural gas line leak in Corpus Christi Bay.
The Owen R. Hopkins Public Library, located at 3202 McKinzie Road, now offers a free Family Place Library™ to families with children under five.
The Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation Department, in collaboration with V-Fit Productions, will host a news conference to discuss the upcoming 3-Day Safe Fun Fit Endurance Fest.
The National Weather Service forecasts that above-average temperatures and an abundance of moisture across South Texas will lead to dangerous heat index values on Tuesday.
The National Weather Service is expecting minor coastal flooding along many of the City’s beaches today.
A contractor for the City of Corpus Christi will perform street maintenance on Cimarron Boulevard from Airline Road to Legacy Point beginning on May 28.