A downed power line is causing traffic delays on US Highway 181. Drivers are being directed to take alternative routes to and from Corpus Christi to avoid the affected area.
The City continues to monitor the effects of Tropical Storm Alberto and is aware of damage to Padre Isles Property Owner’s Canals as a result of bulkhead failures.
The City of Corpus Christi invites the community to the West Guth Skate Park ribbon-cutting event. Please make plans to join us as the City celebrates the opening of this exciting amenity for skateboarding enthusiasts. This will be the third skate park in Corpus Christi.
Los residentes sin vivienda que necesiten servicios y refugio durante las inclemencias del tiempo de esta semana recibirán ayuda de organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro.
Unhoused residents in need of services and shelter during this week’s inclement weather will receive help from local nonprofit organizations.
Con la temporada de huracanes en marcha y la posibilidad de lluvias adicionales la próxima semana, el Departamento de Obras Públicas de Corpus Christi ofrecerá a los residentes sacos de arena precargados de forma gratuita.
With hurricane season underway and the possibility of additional rainfall next week, the Corpus Christi Public Works Department will offer residents free pre-filled sandbags.
Se pronostican fuertes lluvias para el área de Corpus Christi desde el martes por la noche hasta el jueves. Cantidades de lluvia de 8 a 10 pulgadas podrían provocar áreas de inundaciones repentinas.
Heavy rains are forecasted for the Corpus Christi area Tuesday night through Thursday. Rainfall amounts of 8 to 10 inches could lead to areas of flash flooding.
On June 18, the City of Corpus Christi will remove vehicle weight sensors on Ocean Drive between Baycliff Drive and Born Street.