El Departamento de Parques y Recreación de Corpus Christi se está preparando para su programa posterior a clases After Hour Kid Power para niños de 5 a 13 años.
The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is gearing up for its After Hour Kid Power after-school program for children ages 5 to 13.
Beginning Monday, May 6, the City will close North Shoreline Boulevard just north of Bridgeport Avenue to conduct maintenance activities on a manhole in the roadway.
During the City’s weekly briefing from the National Weather Service, City officials were informed of worsening drought conditions affecting the watershed for Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon Reservoirs.
The City of Corpus Christi announces the reopening of the iconic Watergarden after a seven-year hiatus due to damage caused by Hurricane Harvey.
A City contractor will perform traffic signal maintenance at the intersection of Doddridge Street and Alameda Street beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 2. Motorists can expect temporary road closures.
The City of Corpus Christi is preparing for the annual Buc Days Carnival and Rodeo, which will be held from May 2 to May 12. Buc Days is expected to draw large crowds.
The City of Corpus Christi and the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce announced the kickoff for National Small Business Week yesterday.s.
The City of Corpus Christi invites the community to the grand re-opening of the Corpus Christi Watergarden.
The City of Corpus Christi invites the community to the grand re-opening of the Corpus Christi Watergarden.