Beginning on Tuesday, March 26, City Council and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) meetings will return to the first floor Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 1201 Leopard Street.
The City of Corpus Christi, including Corpus Christi Water and Councilmembers, is not affiliated with an upcoming District 1 Desal Townhall hosted and sponsored by Texas Campaign on the Environment (TCE).
The Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District, in collaboration with the Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department and VFit Productions, will host its first-ever Neighborhood Fitness event on Saturday, March 23, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at South Pope Park, located at 3933 Fort Worth Street, 78411 (District 2).
The City of Corpus Christi introduces a re-designed website for the state’s first seawater desalination treatment plant for municipal use.
La ciudad de Corpus Christi presenta un sitio web rediseñado para la primera planta de tratamiento de desalinización de agua de mar para uso municipal.
The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department seeks community input on a proposed master plan for Commodore Park.
At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved improvements to the Oso Water Reclamation Plant (WRP).
At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved improvements to the Oso Water Reclamation Plant (WRP).
Street closures along major City streets impacting motorists and pedestrians are listed below.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has updated the state's COVID-19 reporting requirements and school exclusion policies to reflect changes in COVID-19's effects on public health.