At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council authorized the Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA) to apply for a $12,223,173 grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Program.
At today's regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved a resolution authorizing the Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department to apply for a grant from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD).
At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the Council approved several appointments to board positions.
Beginning Wednesday, January 29, repaving work will commence on Woolridge Road from South Staples Street to Dewberry Drive as part of the Street Preventative Maintenance Program (SPMP).
The Elizabeth Street reconstruction project will enter its final construction phase on Tuesday, January 28.
Algunos departamentos de la ciudad de Corpus Christi experimentan interrupciones en el servicio de Internet y teléfono.
Several City of Corpus Christi Departments and facilities are experiencing internet and phone service disruptions.
La ciudad de Corpus Christi abrió un segundo centro de refugio nocturno por clima frío para quienes necesitan comida y un lugar cálido donde quedarse.
The City of Corpus Christi has opened a second overnight Cold Weather Refuge Center for those needing food and a warm place to stay. The Center is at the Del Mar College-West Campus FEMA dome, located at 4101 Old Brownsville Road.
El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional informa que se ha observado una mezcla invernal de lluvia helada/llovizna, aguanieve y nieve en el sur de Texas.